5 Feb 2014

The Canton Beater 偽裝成小掃把的打人棒

[Lilith加註] Sir利用手邊剩下來的材料設計了一隻打人棒,是不是很有偽裝成掃把的模樣啊?如果你有什麼樣的idea想要用皮革制作,歡迎email跟我們討論喔!

So it's been a while since I've been able to make any new designs, so with a little free time recently I decided it was time to turn an old design idea into reality.

There's a little back story to this toy, I originally saw something very similar to this in Hong Kong!  On the top of one of the mountains there, I saw a rack of 1 meter long poles that had heavy rubber straps tied to the ends of them, I found out that they were part of the fire-fighting equipment used on the mountains (no water or water pipes up there).  These pieces of fire-fighting equipment gave me an idea, if they were good for beating out a fire, they must be good for beating an ass (although a smaller version is needed).

So based on that inspiration, I made what I like to call the Canton Beater.
A wooden handle about 30cm long has a braided wrist loop and dyed leather grip at one end, and the other end has a set of short, thin leather strands about 15cm long.
The resulting whip is great for accuracy and gives a nice little sensation, the strands are thinner to give more of a sting, but the number and length of them means that they stroke the skin more than sting it.

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